Since I was young I was interested in traditional, popular and herbal healing therapies as well as oriental philosophies. I practiced Hatha yoga, Chinese and Japanese martial arts. For years I studied and then applied traditional Chinese massage. In 1994 I came into contact with the Vajrayana through the Kagyu School and later the Gelug School. I met Dr. Nida Chenatsang in 2012 following his medical and spiritual teachings with great pleasure and benefit. Since 2015 I am a licensed teacher of Nejang that I like very much because it combines yoga and therapy. I try to help people even through the Ku Nye massage and external therapies. I am also the organizer of Sorig Khang Monterotondo which regularly offers nejang courses and workshops. I love music and I delight with the violin with which I had the pleasure to accompany in concert the singer Drukmo Gyal. From my very heart, I want to thank Genla Dr. Nida, Donla Tsering, the elderly students and all the beautiful people of the Sorig family that I love so much. Hoping that everything I study can benefit many people on my life journey!!!