Manuela Cernac, born in Trieste (Italy) in 1978.

Since long interested and in search of a connection between nature, healing and spirituality (Dharma), she encounters Sowa Rigpa and Dr. Nida Chenagtsang in 2010 and starts to study and practice Tibetan Medicine.

From 2014 to 2018 she has been an assistant coordinator of IATTM Italy /Sorig Khang Italy.

In 2014 she started teaching the Tibetan Yoga Ne Jang and to run the Wellbeing Space inside Lama Tsong Khapa Institute in Pomaia (Tuscany), mainly dedicated to Ku Nye and TTM external therapies.

She is currently the local organizer of Sorig Khang Pomaia, teacher of Ne Jang, Ku Nye and Horme.