Dr. Nida was born in a yurt in Amdo, in Eastern Tibet. Interested in the traditional healing science of his people, he began his early medical studies at the local Sorig hospital. Later he gained scholarship entry to Lhasa Tibetan Medical University, where he completed his medical education in 1996. Dr. Nida completed his practical training at the Sorig hospitals in Lhasa and Lhoka.

Alongside his medical education, Dr. Nida received complete Vajrayana Buddhist training in the Longchen Nyingthing and Dudjom Tersar traditions and trained in the Yuthok Nyingthig lineage, spiritual counterpart to Sorig, with his teachers Khenchen Troru Tsenam and Khenpo Tsultrim Gyaltsen. He received the transmission with the empowerment to teach and further transmit the Hayagriva Tantra and the Yuthok Nyingthig from Khedrup Michötsang. 

He has published many articles and books on Sorig. He has extensively researched ancient Tibetan healing methods, and has gained high acclaim in the East and West for his revival of traditional Tibetan external healing therapies.

Dr Nida is the Co-Founder and Medical Director of SKẎ, Sorig Khang International (formerly IATTM, International Academy for Traditional Tibetan Medicine). He is also the Co-Founder of the International Ngak Mang Institute, established to preserve and maintain the Rebkong Ngakpa yogic culture within modern Tibetan society. 

Dr. Nida trains students in Sowa Rigpa and the Yuthok Nyingthig spiritual tradition in over 40 countries around the world. Living in Rome, Italy, he frequently returns to Tibet, to stay informed of, and assist with, the advancement of Tibetan medicine.